Currently, this is the step I have taken when it comes to life drawing. I am experimenting with style when it comes to bog-standard-pencil because pencil is definitely not my strength. I decided to try just going for it; squiggly and experimental. The automatic style works well with keeping everything in proportion as you don't over-think what you're doing.
Again, this is the automatic experiment I'd completed.
Alongside the automatic style with pencil, I have decided that painting very automatically too grasps a better shape and comes with a more interesting outcome. Although less detailed, you can always build on top of the painting you're completing and you could go over with different colours (i.e) when trying out a different position.
A long term favourite of mine, is using pen (biro). You can experiment with the amount of depth you put on the paper by pressing down and you can get a lighter, more detailed angle on your work when pressing less-down. I feel as though pen flows much better than pencil.
This is the finished little 10 minute paintings competed with acrylic. Acrylic is good because you can add layers upon layers to your painting and it will blend out nicely. You can also go back to it later which I love, because it doesn't ruin it. I added white to the lighter sections but didn't blend - which actually looks rather effective. Darker sections took well with the red shade, because it wasn't too harsh yet it was distinguisable.
This was my first attempt (sharpie) at doing this angle. OH my DAYS. I can't even begin to tell you how difficult I found it to proportion when the angle was so difficult to comprehend. The leg wasn't elongated enough, but as an initial attempt (considering I used the pencil measuring technique) I don't think it's overly terrible.