Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Flower Studies and Their Meanings

Victorian Language of Flowers
Pre-Raphaelites of the 19th cent.

The Poppy
In Rossetti's 'Lady Lilth', the poppy often meant imagination and eternal sleep. However, it also was said to represent pleasure - which is much how Rossetti wrote about Lilth in his literature. "The rose and poppy are her flowers; for where/is he not found, O Lilth, whom shed scent/ and soft - shed kisses and soft sleep snare?"

The Primrose
The primrose (depending on it's colour) had many conflicting meanings. Yellow, which was in Edwin Longs "The Daughter of our Empire", symbolised youth and young love.

In Rossetti's painting "Veronica Veronese", the daffodils lay next to the scrap of sheet music with their sunny hues; daffodils typically meant unrequited love.

Ford Madox Brown painted "Convalescent, Portrait of an Artists Wife" of a lifeless looking lady all washed out. The lady painted is believed to be his wife, holding willed violets.
"Now that she is lying in bed thinned with the fever, she looked very pictorial and young as ever again."

Apple Blossoms
During Rossetti's "A Victorian of Fiammetta", the use of apple blossoms could mean good fortune. The romantic side created the symbolism for better things ahead, or preference.

Millais was the first painter to paint Lizzie Siddal out of the pre-Raphaelite group. Millais painted the painting "Ophelia" (which is very recognisable in modern society), referenced from Shakespeare's 'Hamlet', which he gave her daises to symbolise the idea of innocence along side purity. It was said that daises could also represent farewells.

"The Beguiling of Merlin", painted by Edward Burne-Jones; painted Hawthorns which were depicted to symbolise hope. However, along side hope it was said to also symbolise charm or magic.

A common symbolisation of the rose, is love and romance; which was earlier described by the victorians. However, depending on their colour, roses could also symbolise innocence of the love; white for purity to burgundy for an unconscious adoration. In Rossetti's "Study for Mariana", he used pink roses in a vase.

Within Rossetti's "Venus Verticordila", Honeysuckles were flourishing in the foreground, representing sweetness and the bond of love.

Other contemplations 
Lady Mary
Lady Mary was classified in the bible as somebody who was classed as pure. She had kept her 'virginity', yet god had gifted her the son of his - Jesus; therefore this flower is classed a representation of purity.

Commonly used in the medieval age, Lavender was a way to depict who was a prostitute and who had availability.

Remember me (Also my birth month flower.)
Bachelor Button
Anticipation (cornflower)
Good health

Western Art History
(Gothic, early/high renaissance)
White Lily
Jealousy, suspicious and deceit
Death, prosperity, commerce, trade
The Rose
Mary's love of God
Desire, vices, loss of innocence,
(Medieval prostitutes, singled their availability etc)
Innocence & nostalgia
Source: Historyofpainters.com

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