Wednesday, 12 October 2016


As our typical Thursday arose, I wanted to create something that was meaningful. Something that was different, experimental and different from others work. I picked a topic I'm passionate about; equality; and got right to work. The above image is my final spare time collage which was really interesting to make. Within it's composition of found imagery (which correlates with the ideal of the recklessness within dadaism.), there's botanical artwork, Donald Trumps mouth (which is a big fuck you because the filth against females and races, is exactly whats wrong with the world), a porn image from 1970 because it was ultimately taboo to be open about your sexuality - until the movement arose and in the 1970's and 80's, people became more open which I think is a massive break through. Some knickers, another porn image, some modern day legs from a commercial that I spotted on the side of an add bar - I made it black and white to fit the over-all feel of the composition. Bettie Page, because she was a strong female in history; A tree - because the tree of life is a brilliant form of symbolism. The rabbits and Obama make the over-all questionability of the collage even better. He was a great leader and for America to even consider giving his role to a sexist, racist bloke, is beyond me. Oh, not forgetting the leaves over the vagina as public hair - just because, really. Well, because of how natural the vagina etc is and we should all appreciate our lower areas by doing whatever we want to do with them!

Here's some abstract flowers I painted. I love the idea of using your finger, something that has grown just like a flower has, to create something so similar. I don't especially like how it is on the green paper, though, but this was a 2 minute experiment to see how things could go into one-another. I love how the colours, rather than mixing, just sit comfortably on top of one another. They look really pleasant and they somewhat look like a fire - to me anyway.

I don't know what to say about this, really. Here is something I literally through together in a moment to see how it could turn out. The idea behind this was to show somehow, a way of putting light through paper, or showing an image behind strips. But, as I got a little through the experiment, I had another idea - one that I felt was more worth while and would look (over-all) a lot better.

Here's a cool cock. No, really. This experiment lead to many different components - which I love. I tried to somewhat colour coordinate all the way through, with stereotypes being thrown together - the natural ideal thrown in there too; all the taboo imagery and a few comments people say. This penis was a seconds worth of art that I loved. The "Cool" cutting was from a 'Now Then' Sheffield magazine which I really do love how the red contrasts with the blue and pinky/purple. It's made out of tissue paper with nothing else but tape and a stem leading into it. It was a lot smaller in person, which I thought would be a lovely little addition to a large over-all composition. 

This is a little image of my collage printed and behind some stems and leaves. Natural. I'm getting tired of repeating myself, but you get the gist. The whole idea that our bodies should be taboo or that somebody can have an adverse effect due to their narrow minded opinion or level of authority in the system, is beyond me and something I get very passionate about.  

A little closeup of my imagery. It's so much fun creating lots of little detailed images out of found and edited images. The above image (because I have previously explained obama) is all made from Now Then mag. It was created for any purpose other than to get me all warmed up to create some hella meaningful art. So, that's where it all started.

This is the over-all composition. It was set up in literally 3 seconds; it's attached by the skin of it's teeth and it fell down quite suddenly after taking a photo - but here it is. Majorly DIY, very Dada yet post punk feminism. I tried to bring everything together and I didn't want it to look flat or generic. The leaves and stems add a lot of character to the piece and I personally feel like it it worked well if I fixed it on properly in a better space. The Mes on Scene really was not my speciality that week since there's lots of objects around it that aren't part of the piece. 

A little addition to the piece were some hand painted, acrylic paint breasts with leaves as nipples. If you haven't understood yet - the whole idea that our bodies are as natural as nature that we walk past daily, is why there are plants coming through where nipples should be. Nipples are probably the most unnecessary taboo subject in 2016. Luckily we have public figures that are speaking up and movement's such as 'free the nipple.'

All the tiny detailing (such as this) are flowers crossed with nipples. I love, love, love how the paint glides together when you layer it like a collage. The use of your finger just makes it better because you can see the texture created. Using your pinkie is so delicate yet the mark making, to me, is the best part. The way the colours run into each other, yet if you dab it, it sit's perfectly above it.

Tanya Vyguzov
These are two piece's by Tanya Vyguzov. They inspired my little collage which later lead to the final of the day, because I loved the contrast between actual imagery and the very graphic styled work. I love the discolouration in parts with the contrast with the somewhat washed out colours. However, I think it would work better if Tanya added a completely contrast colour - They somewhat seem coordinated (accidental or not) which I felt wasn't going to work for me.

Tanya Vyguzov typically uses the colours red, blue and yellow/black with all kind of variants depending on the piece (which you can tell between the two images above. Vyguzov also has completely different pieces of collages, but I didn't think they would be relevant at this particular time. I'm not a fan on the lips on the above one; I think they could be of a different, less cliched colour to make it more interesting, but over-all I love the simplicity.

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