Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Dada Notes 2 - Gaga for Dada

Notes from my sketchbook:
Dada influenced many different types of modern culture. With that in mind, the main influenced parts of modern cultures would potentially be; punk, Monty Python (tv shows), Damian Hurst (artists), shooting stars (another TV show) and the mischievousness of peoples way of working now. The dada movement started 100 Years ago in Zurich, Sweden when a man named Hugo Ball and Emmy Hennings opened a Cabaret Voltaire in promise to bring more business for the owner - by selling more sausages and beer. This was in the early year of 1916 during the world war, where many people were finding solidarity in countries such as Sweden and America, who wasn't yet involved in the World War.
In the Cabaret Voltaire, many people attended and they were all very interested in the escapism which was led through performance art, song and dance. However, it shortly went bitter after Hugo Ball began chanting "gagji beri bomb giandridi laua looni cadoria" an ancient ritual which he believe made him fall into a trance. "Katangi te tivi kivi ka tangi tem mono". Many people didn't like what the Cabaret Voltaire had turned into which shortly lead the Cabaret to be closed down; due to the lack of attendances consequently leading Hugo Ball into a lack of cash where he couldn't pay the rent.

"Da da is a new tendency in art..."
The attendees of the Cabaret were sometimes notorious artists; performance, singers and general artists. 

The dada artist did very mischievous acts such as; sending in a false news article where it was actually published. To summarise - Dada was an experimental, short movement which later lead the surrealism which is also very influential in the art we see today!


CORNELIA PARKER - This is "Dark Matter" which was in the style of Dada's collages turned into a big installation which made the views also a part of the art work. She literally blew up a shed and placed it together around lights, therefore implementing the somewhat reckless attitude Dadaism somewhat portrayed.

TRACEY EMIN - This is "My Bed" by Emin. The influences are pretty obvious; the way it's so out of the ordinary, fresh and made from found objects, which is a direct influence from Dadaism.
PUNK - All the punk scene had very cut up, collage typed, DIY song covers - here's an example of a few:


DAVID CAMERON CUT UPS - The interesting pieces of music people have created of cut ups from media. Somewhat like the collages, but rather than paper cut up, it's sound.

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