Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Trying to be cool with light and making box forts

This was an example of how I was trying to make a box fort. It felt as though I just couldn't get it big enough or I couldn't make it so you could feel comfortable enough. But, after a lot of contemplation, I came up with this one which was a pleasant size. 

The box fort that I ended up creating. The shape was practical - People can slide right in and feel somewhat comfortable (evidently if you're a lot taller than me, you probably won't be able to fit in. The box itself is sturdy - slightly pressed against the wall for extra structure. The light shon through the gaps where the edges didn't quite reach; the end was always having to be moved differently due to the length of your legs or how you was situated in that moment. This gave me an idea - the way light can reflect through a hole and make a shape onto the other side of the box just like in previous weeks:

So I had the idea to create something that would sit comfortable within a box where people can look in. A installation where you was able to look inside of the box and be mesmerised by the shapes inside of the dark, dingy box. For that to happen, I had to make sure there was no light getting in - which in itself was a challenge. I taped up all corners and anywhere there could've been light seeping through. I then taped a cylinder like shape, a little like the previous weeks where I have experimented with light in boxes, but it just didn't work. The final outcome was a little different, which I didn't get a photo of unfortunately. I placed my iPhone in the corner of the box (on the inside.) The phone shon multiple holes pierced within the card onto the other side of the box. However, that didn't do what I wanted it to do initially. 

 To somewhat evaluate how it would work - I decided to very, very quickly sketch out the idea. This is just in my note pad because it was the closest too me; consequently resulting in a slightly better result. They may be difficult to understand to anybody else but it was just my way of brain storming it out; simple shapes.

Initially, I wanted something that spun, or covered the entire circumference of the box on the inside - but it just didn't work. I needed a brighter light, something thicker, something more sturdy and I just called it a day. It wasn't that I gave up, it was that I realised that this wasn't for me and I was no longer enjoying myself. Here's the box from the outside - which you can see by the excessive amount of gaffer tape, I taped it up good. It was hung on the sealing by two pieces of string. An unsuccessful experiment but I learned that it just wasn't for me and when something just isn't fun anymore, it isn't going to be your best work.

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